(C) 2012 Wm. Schmidt, Ph.D.(Coumbia University)
Use TigerSoft to watch what
Market Professionals
and Corporate Insiders are doing.
Use TigerSoft's
TigerSoft charts all start by showing you the best simple
for a stock. The 20-day Stochastic was flawless in 2011-2012
the perpetual contract of Crude Oil.

TigerSoft automatically finds the stocks in any
universe of 1000
stocks that can be traded most profitably using simple automatic Buys
and Sells based on the best of 60 different" trading system that the
software instantly tests. Past success does not guarantee future success,
of course. But you can readily learn what systems work best without endless
research and trial and error.
Each chart shows the optimized
trading system's Buys and Sells.
Example - YRCW below - Often simply trading the short term automatic
TigerSoft Buys and Sells is very profitable. But the basis of the best
system's Buys and Sells will vary over time. The virtues of the Tiger program
1) The best system is shown automatically. You do not have
to wonder what it was and attempt to determine it by hours of
trial and error.
2) Tiger quickly adjusts to the changed circumstances with
new signals if a different system becomes #1. See the second chart below.
3) You will want to use Tiger's Closing Power to "clinch" the
Buys and Sells. See the 2010 chart of YRCW, the second one below.

You can also put the
Peerless Buys and Sells on it, as well as an array of technically
based signals, as you choose.
The software's trading results assume
$10,000 is originally invested
and new each trade fully utilizes available capital and
costs $20. Users may also see the trade results using the next
day's openings. They get a list of the trading results for
all Buys and Sales, with or without Short Sales. The biggest
paper losses for long and short positions are also provided.
7/21/2010 - Examples of
TigerSoft Trading Signals
Pick a bullish stock and take
additional positions on each automatic
Buy. Eventually, you will want to take profits when there is finally a Sell.

Using TigerSoft properly,
your investments should all show
heavy insider and professional buying. They should never like
the stock below. It shows far too much insider selling. The negative, red
Accumulation Index readings should jump out at you. In addition,
you can see that the Blue Closing Power is in a steady steep decline.
Professionals are heavy net sellers. Use the automatic Sells to sell
short such stocks.

CitiGroup - 54 to 1
in two years. Short such heavy red Distribution stocks
on New Red Optimized Sells.
Cover on red Optimized Buys except where there has been a clear breaking of