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    Daily Blog - Tiger Software

                       September 29, 2007

          The Danse Macabre
       of George Bush Jr. and Philip Morris
Last updated 2/16/2009

William Schmidt, - Tiger Software's Creator
      (C) 2007 William Schmidt, Ph. D.  - All Rights Reserved. 

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     Send any comments or questions
      to william_schmidt@hotmail.com

                 The Danse Macabre of George Bush Jr.
                    and Philip Morris  - 9/30/2007
                     by William Schmidt, Ph.D.  
                  Author of www.tigersoft.com                                          

                  Philip Morris and George Bush Jr.have boosted each other for more than 10 years.
       They richly deserve each other!  But the United States of America does not.  The CDC says
       cigarettes kill 430,000 Americans a year - a lot more than foreign terrorists do.   That number
       is projected to rise for 30 more years.  Smoking kills more people than are killed by AIDs, car
       accidents, alcohol, homicides, illegal drugs, suicides and fires combined.  The 50 million smokers
       will live 14 years less on average. The health care and productivity costs of tobacco are $92 billion
       a year.  Each day, 3000 children in the US take up smoking.  They average 12 1/2 years...
       (The latest public health dangers of smoking appear in http://www.aaphp.org/Feb07tobaccbill.html )    

                 Now I must confess I am from a line of Eastern Baptist ministers.  I can not escape
       their shadow.   If what I say here upsets you, I only ask that you not shoot the messenger and
       see the Cigarette Jokes at the bottom.  Before you jump on me for being too harsh, read the
       evidence and appreciate, however well justified, I do mostly leave out rhetoric like:
                              "Without A Single Bullet, Phiip Morris Is The Biggest Serial Killer in History!",
                               "Don't Just Put 'Em Out of Business, Hang em!" or more simply
                               "Dirty Rotten Lying Bastards", etc.

                There's a lot of research here.  More will be added as it becomes available. This is a labor
      of revenge.   At the end of the materials, I will post more information as I find it, provided it cannot
      be easily inserted in what is already written.  I acknowledge this is a very big subject.  I hope my
      work here may serve as an introductory Reader and Guide to others wanting to understand why
      America has tolerated the existence of tobacco companies so long.  More formally, it is the study
      of the "Politics, Economics and Public Health Care Costs of Big Tobacco".  What I think you
      will soon see below is the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting my contention that Bush
      and Big Tobacco have combined forces in a way that seriously menaces and undermines Public
      Health.   This dance of death must be ended.   Big Tobacco will probably long outlast George
      Bush unless the American political process suddenly works better than it has until now
      and our political leaders finally take charge of the fate of millions of Americans subjected to
      cigar and cigarette smoke. 

              I have tried to show the references that I have used and show readers where they may go
      to find more still materials, if they are so motivated.   The Time-Line at the bottom and the section
      on the Supreme Court will be kept up to date, if time permits.  And I note that I should also
      add materials on the best methods to stop smoking.

             Finally, "NO" I do not smoke.  I have enough another vices to work on!

             Here is an Outline of this length study. 

            My Family History
            Madison Avenue Ads Made Philip Morris Rich
            Philip Morris' Danse Macabre
            Why Don't They Just Stop Smoking?
            "The Smoking Gun"
             ADDICTION BY DESIGN  
             Up in Smoke: Failures of The Tobacco Settlement
             Tobacco Settlement of 1998
             Health Advances since Tobacco Agreement
             Big Tobacco Is Doing Very Well
             Philip Morris' Stock Keep Rising
             The Best Government That Money Can Buy
             Big Tobacco's Heavy Backing of George Bush Junior
             Karl Rove's Close Ties with Big Tobacco
             Bush Junior Put Tobacco Foxes In Charge of Protecting Public Health!
             House Republican Majority Leaders' Ties To Big Tobacco
             Bag Man
             Tort Limitation Would Serve Big Tobacco Well
             Big Tobacco Seeks To Topple Key Republican Lawmaker Who Didn't Vote as Ordered.
             Justice for Sale, Illinois Style!
             Campaign Contributions from Big Tobacco
             Starting in 1994, Big Tobacco Starts Giving Much More Money To Republicans  
             Bush's Supreme Court Sides with Big Tobacco, Time after Time!

                                  Detailed Tobacco Line since 1990
                                  Supplemental Materials
                                  Epilogue - New Push for FDA Regulation of Cigarettes
                                  Products To Help Smokers Quit.
                                  Smoking Humor (Is this possible?)

        wpeC.jpg (7361 bytes)         My Family History

Don't ever get me started about the evils committed by cigarette companiesMy grandfather
         and my father died of
Emphysema.  And my brother has it and he has the premature dementia that
         smoking can cause.  Each of them tried hard to quit, after realizing the morning coughing would not
         go away.   It grew longer and long, often lasting for thirty minutes to an hour  So they tried to stop. 
         They tried hard!  But they could not.  They each blamed themselves, thinking they were just weak. 
         Now we know Philip Morris knowingly addicted them to a drug that would kill them..


                     What they did not know was that for years tobacco companies deliberately concealed how
         addictive cigarettes were or that they went out of their way to enhance the addictive properties of
         their cigarettes, so that many people could not stop smoking, no matter how much they wanted to.  
         And of course, my grandfather and father didn't know all the ways cigarette smoking could kill:
         ways that went beyond lung cancer, which became well know in the early 1960s.  As a college
         kid in the early 1960s, we talked about how cigarettes caused lung cancer.  But we had not heard
         of nicotine craving, cigarette caused Emphysema, Heart Disease or the dangers of second hand smoke.

                     It's a fact that one in every five deaths in the United States is smoking related.  Smoking is, by
          far, the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States. Each year, more than
         430,000 Americans die from cigarette smoking.   Add to that the huge medical cost, between $50
          billion and $70 billion per year,  in medical expenses of treating those with smoking related illnesses.
                                  (These figures come from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.)  

                    Why - if each year the government spends vast sums to reduce automobile deaths, to stop
          terrorists who killed 4,000 Americans at the World Trade Center, to reduce deaths from illegal
         drugs, Aids and crime - does it tolerate the continued existence of  companies like Philip Morris,
         which makes half the cigarettes in the US?  The answer, of course, is MONEY.  Philip
         Morris is one of the richest companies in the world.  It is the DJI-30.  As late as 1990, it ranked #1
         in corporate profits.  MO survives and thrives, because it is so adept at advertising and buying

                     We may not want to admit it, but Philip Morris is proof of how venal America is. It is proof
         that we put money above people, every day and Sunday, too.
  Is this too extreme?  See the Movie, Insider.
         It shows how easily Big Tobacco made CBS cut the 60 Minutes story about Big Tobacco's nicotine
         manipulation as told by insider Jeffrey Weigand, the ex-Research Director of Brown and Williamson.
         See the Mike Wallace interview about the whole affair: how CBS did not want to lose the advertising
         of Brown & Williamson Tobacco and it did not want to be sued by tobacco growers in Kentucky.

                                                   Madison Avenue Ads Made Philip Morris Rich

                   For years tobacco companies would not publicly admit the horrific health risks that their own
         in-house studies showed, and all the while, targeted  insecure, impressionable young people.  They
         made young men think that smoking somehow made men "tough" (Marlboro Man, 1954-1972). 
         (Until the tenth grade, I remember wanting to be "tough."  Then, I wanted to be "cool."  Didn't you?
          But I rose to school with my father in the morning and I saw how much he coughed.  So, I wanted
          no part of it.  My brother who took up smoking in the Navy did not see him in the mornings.  And when
          he went away to the Naval Academy, he saw him even less.)    

                  Clever Madison Avenue ad men knew exactly how to make many other kids think that
          among made you "tough", "cool" or "sexy" and "attractive to women".  They knew the needs
          and motivations of kids even better than the kids themselves knew.   Philip Morris' Marlboro
          men weren't limited to cowboys. They were all sorts of rugged individuals who smoked their cigarettes
          while performing all sorts of "manly" tasks,  from fixing their cars to fishing or hunting.  And these
          ads made Philip Morris great sums of money.   

                 But in 1957, the widely read Reader's Digest published a study linking smoking with cancer.  
           In response, Philip Morris turned to glamorizing cigarettes.  Sultry singer Julie London was seen
           sharing a smoke with her male consort, as a new  "Settle Back With a Marlboro" theme played. 
          When the government banned these ads on TV in the early 1970s, Philip Morris cranked up
          the advertising in the print media
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       Wayne McLaren, one of these Marlboro cigarette cowboys died of cancer in 1992 at the age of 51. The original
Marlboro Man, David Millar, Jr. died of emphysema in 1987. The widow of Marlboro Man David McLean, who died of lung cancer,
sued the company for damages.
Other ex-tobacco spokesmen such as David Goerlitz, the Winston Man
from 1981 to 1987, was disabled by a stroke in his mid-30s. He lost feeling in his left leg, left side
of his face and lost his sense of taste
    wpe115.jpg (2127 bytes)   David Goerlitz, Mr Winston in the 1980s
             read this article in 2009. 
             Here is the email I received from him.
             More materials on Mr. Goerlitz's efforts to stop smoking.
From: David Goerlitz (kgkjkl@yahoo.com)
Sent: Mon 2/16/09 11:47 AM
To: william_schmidt@hotmail.com

Hello Mr. Schmidt,   My name is David Goerlitz, and I am the former Winston Man that you referred to in The Danse Macabre.   Just wanted to introduce myself and praise your work.   I too, am the product of a Minister (Baptist) .  Being a PK is tough.  What's the saying " to much is given, much is expected"?   I have given 21 years to trying to raise the level of awareness on tobacco issues proportionate to the havoc that it wreaks on our society.   Just wanted to let you know you'll probably be hearing more about me and am looking for allies to back me up when the @#*^% hits the fan.   I am planning an all out attack on the same things you have brought to the not only my attention, but to anyone who cares to read about it.   The PROBLEM is I have found, not too many people know to read the valuable information and resources that you people like you and I provide.   I plan to be the poster boy, (once again) for exposing not only bad behavior, but illegal and corrupt behavior.   I'm like Popeye and "I can't stans no more,  yuk...yuk ',

Would love to chat with you sometime and catch up on your wisdom.  If you want you can me on my cell 609 234-0220. or email me.  My website is www.formerwinstonman.org.

Thanks for all your efforts and passions.  Sometimes it's lonely, frustrating, and quite tiring when you are doing battle.   It's nice to find and read about kindred spirits who make sense of this issue.  

Best Wishes,    David Goerlitz  
David B. Goerlitz,  Former Winston Man

          Many of tobacco's spolsmen have died prematurely.  Will Thornbury, a Camel model, died of lung cancer at age of 56
   in 1992; and Janet Sackman, a former Lucky Strike girl in the 1950s lost her voice box and part of a lung to cancer
   (Plain Truth April, 1993 p. 28). 
In 2003 Marlboro changed their company name to Altria Group, Inc to disguise their connection with cigarettes..
   Their name may have changed, but the cancer their cigarettes causes still remains the same. One of the most ironic things
   about Altria Group, Inc. is that they produce anti-tobacco commercials warning of the dangers and addictive nature of smoking.
   The ad features the voice-over narration of a sympathetic female telling the viewers that "There are not safe cigarettes."
   Yet Altria Group, (Philip Morris) knowing full well, the dangers of tobacco use, still manufactures them.

                In the late 60's and early 70's, "Virginia Slims" dominated the ad scene for Philip Morris.
          I taught at a woman's college at this time.  I still recall how many of the young women aped the
          figures in these ads.  T
he rate of smoking initiation for 12-year-old girls increased 110 percent as a
          direct result of Virginia Slims and other brands aimed at women.  Smoking made women feel empowered,
          beautiful, desirous and independent! 

  Philip Morris' Danse Macabre

At a secret Big Tobacco international summit near Bath England, top tobacco executives from
           Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, British American Tobacco, Imperial and Rothman's met and agreed to
           deny that tobacco causes disease. If governments said otherwise, the documents say, the tobacco
           executives pledged to "strenuously resist with all means at their disposal ... and in any advertising,
          claims ... that one cigarette is healthier or less harmful than another should be avoided..." (This
         document was not unearthed unfortunately until 2000.  A million people world died because of this
         collusion and cover-up.)

              In-house Philip Morris documents from the 1970's and 1980's show the company paid university
         staff to concoct phony research reports that made it appear to the public that the scientific community
         was divided about the health consequences of cigarettes.
These campaigns by U.S. tobacco companies involved spending billions of dollars on phony
                science, fake grass-roots activism, mass psychological manipulation, corporate issues management, and
                all the other techniques for implanting false images in the public mind known collectively as marketing.
                This enterprise served the narrow purpose of selling cigarettes...
Karl Rove ... was a hack pushing the
                phony Big Tobacco campaign to stop kids from smoking. A marketing guru, (he) produced a report for
                Philip Morris concluding that anti-youth-smoking messages can actually help hook teens on smokes."
                        (Source: http://www.sfweekly.com/2005-11-30/news/the-smoking-gun/ )

There is no evidence from 1950 until the mid 1990s that Philip Morris cared one iota about the
          millions of people it was killing.
They only changed then because they had to.  In-House documents
          surfaced showing they were fully aware that 4/5ths of the lung cancers were caused by smoking and
          that cigarettes were more addictive than heroin.   When pressed they admitted there was a correlation
          between smoking and lung cancer, but they denied that causality was proven.  They would not admit
         that coronary disease risks doubled with smoking.  For years they would not admit that each year as
         many as 140,000 spontaneous abortions, 4,000 still births and 2,000 deaths from sudden infant death
         syndrome befell pregnant women because they smoked.  They knew these things and they continued
         killing people.  They did not care!   Perhaps, it will be shown some day that the people who ran these
         companies do not have compassion genes; that they they are a sub species of sociopath Neanderthals.

Republican Ronald Reagan's Surgeon General, Charles Koop, published in 1982 the Surgeon
         General's Report on Smoking and Health.
In this document, Koop targeted smoking as the cause of
         deaths from cancer and chronic obstructive lung disease.  Koop showed the dangerous effects of smoking
         on nonsmokers in his 1986 report Health Consequences of Passive Smoking.   As a result, legislatures
         began to restrict public smoking. By 1987, smoking was banned in all federal buildings, and regulated
         in restaurants, hospitals, and other public places in over forty states.  In 1988, Koop commissioned
         studies on smoke in airplanes.   Congress reacted to the results of these studies by banning smoking
         on all flights lasting less than six hours.  (Source:


                                           Why Don't They Just Stop Smoking?       

                  I still hear it said that it was the smokers' fault.  They knew the risks.  And they kept on smoking.
          But this really isn't true.  Lung cancer was known to be a result of smoking in 1959.  But
          and heart disease were not then linked to smoking.  Certainly, how much smoking hurt the babies of
          pregnant women was not known.  Nor were the evils of second-hand smoke. And we did not know that
          cigarette companies were deliberately mixing in larger and larger does of nicotine to make quitting
          harder and harder. That explains why each year 20 million Americans attempt to quit smoking, but
          less than 5% have long-term success.  And of those that lose a lung to cancer, only one half are able
          to stop smoking.  It also explains why cigarettes in 2007 have 10% more nicotine than they did ten
          years earlier, according to a recent Harvard study. 

                In 1994, the FDA learned that cigarette companies did, despite their denials, blend tobaccos
           to achieves desired levels of tar and nicotine.  More than anyone else, regulating Big Tobacco was
           the work of David Kessler, who George Bush Sr. appointed as commissioner of the Food and Drug
He was both a lawyer and a doctor and had worked for Republican Senator Orrin Hatch,
           a Mormon whose faith strongly disapproved of smoking.   His acts to investigate the tobacco industry
           were as personally courageous as they were long over-due.  I highly recommend reading David Kessler's
           book: A Question of Intent: A Great American Battle with a Deadly Industry.  (In 1977 the Democratic
           President's appointment to the FDA refused to try to regulate the tobacco industry on grounds that
           there was "no evidence"  that the industry altered a natural product or intended the deleterious effects
           that tobacco has!)

                Nicotine is what makes cigarettes hard to kick.  But Phillip Morris CEO, William Campbell,  assured
           FDA Commissioner Kessler that his company did not deliberately raise the nicotine levels of cigarettes. 
           He implied that was out of their control, saying that nicotine levels vary strictly with tar levels.  But
           Kessler learned on his own that tar is not a natural part of the tobacco plant.  It occurs when the
           cigarette is lit.  Nicotine, on the other hand, is a natural part of tobacco.   Nicotine levels in tobacco
           vary widely from breed to breed,  from plant to plant and even leaf to leaf.  Yet despite these variations,
           FDA testing showed that every brand's nicotine levels were extremely uniform.
  Clearly, the tobacco
           companies were able to pre-set the levels of nicotine they wanted.

"The Smoking Gun"

                Could they fix the nicotine levels at high rates to achieve dependence?   Kessler sent an FDA
           employee to North Carolina State University library.  She discovered a tobacco industry ad in the
           Tobacco Encyclopedia.   Its headline read "MORE OR LESS NICOTINE".   Underneath was the
           "gun" (though it was not smoking).  The ad read: "Nicotine levels are becoming a growing
            concern for the designers of modern cigarettes, particularly those with lower tar deliveries.  The
            Kimberly-Clark tobacco reconstitution process used by LTR Industries permits adjustments of
            nicotine to your exact requirements.  We can help you control your tobacco.
Here was proof that
            nicotine levels were, indeed, controllable by the tobacco companies.  And that Phillip Morris had
In FDA labs, it was soon determined that nicotine levels had, in fact, risen 10% to 15% from
            1982 to 1991, yet tar levels had remained the same!

                Congressional Hearings were started on the subject on March 25, 1994.  Dr. Kessler appeared.
            Big Tobacco's CEOs did not.  Kessler said that cigarette companies wanted the debate to be about
            the freedom to choose to smoke.  But he asked, "Whose choice is actually driving the demand...
            Is it a choice by consumers to continue to smoke?  Or is it a choice by cigarette companies
            to maintain addictive levels of nicotine in their cigarettes?"   Two thirds of adults who smoke
            say that they wish they could quit each year. There are 17 million would-be quitters.  But of
            those who try to quit, less than 1 in 10 is successful. 

                "The public may think of cigarettes as no more than blended tobacco rolled in paper.  But they
            ar e more than that.   Some of today's cigarettes ...(are) high-technology nicotine delivery systems
            that deliver nicotine in quantities sufficient to create and sustain addiction in the vast majority of
            individuals who smoke regularly."   See
Peddling Poison: The Tobacco Industry And Kids by Clete
            Snell, 2005.


               In 1996, three more former employees of Philip Morris came forward and gave sworn statements
           to the FDA that contradicted the sworn Congressional testimony by the company's CEO.  The statements
           alleged that Philip Morris had, indeed, controlled the levels of niotine in their cigarettes.

              The real culpability of these cigarette companies stemmed from their designing cigarettes
          that would be so addictive that many smokers would never be able to quit until the habit killed them.

In 1994 the state of Minnesota filed suit against the tobacco industry. This trial is now history,
        but its legacy will carry on into the 21st century because of the revelations contained in the millions
        of pages of previously secret internal tobacco industry documents made public in the trial... These
        documents revealed that for decades,
the tobacco industry knew and internally acknowledged that
        nicotine is an addictive drug and cigarettes are the ultimate nicotine delivery device; that nicotine
        addiction can be perpetuated and even enhanced through cigarette design alterations and manipulations;
        and that "health-conscious" smokers could be captured by low-tar, low-nicotine products, all the while
        ensuring the marketplace viability of their products.


                 Up in Smoke     wpe11.jpg (38724 bytes)

                              Failures of The Tobacco Settlement

                  After these revelations, it did not take long for state Attorneys General to start piling on
           Philip Morris and filing racketeering civil lawsuits.  These proliferated.  They unearthed
           more secret internal documents showing that the companies knew cigarettes were
           highly addictive, that the tobacco companies intentionally enhanced the addictiveness of
           cigarettes and that they targeted minors.  NBC and Dateline did important shows on these subjects.  
           Polls in Texas, as in other states, showed that public support for the states' lawsuits
           against big tobacco rose from 33% in favor in April 1996 to 75% in favor in April 1997. 

                  Under this heavy pressure, the tobacco companies chose to reach an Agreement with
           all US states and territories for the health care costs their cigarettes had created.  A record
           $369 billion tobacco settlement was reached in late 1998.

                                                     Tobacco Master Settlement

                  Finally, it looked like Big Tobacco was going to be stopped from killing people; that Big
          Tobacco was finally going to pay for the all lives it had cruelly and callously snuffed out in
           the pursuit of profits.
The Tobacco Master Settlement exempted the four largest tobacco companies
          from future tort liability from state governments and settled the lawsuit in exchange for a combination of
          yearly payments to the states and voluntary restrictions on advertising and marketing of tobacco products. 
          Signing were the four largest tobacco companies:  Philip Morris USAR.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
          Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., and Lorillard Tobacco Company. The agreement was later joined
          by over 40 other tobacco companies. Every U.S. State and 6 U.S. Territories signed the agreement.
          Florida, Minnesota, Texas and Mississippi had already reached individual agreements with the tobacco

                 Although the states were to get more than $360 billion over 20 years, the Agreement left
           the tobacco companies free to carry on in much the same way,
except that they could not flagrantly place
           their ads in front of children. (Beginning on April 1, 1998, the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products
           to people under 18 is now prohibited by law in all fifty states of the United States )

                    The Agreement's omissions were as wide and deep as the Grand Canyon
                            1) The FDA was not given authority to regulate cigarettes and nicotine. It sought to under Clinton,
                            but in March 2000, the FDA said it had no such authority,
                            2) Tobacco companies could still buy politicians with tax-deductible campaign contributions.
                            3) Nothing was done to make it easier for individuals to to sue the tobacco companies for
                            the harm done them.
                            4) All these legal expenses and the payments to the States were tax deductible.  They could be
                            made up by increasing the prices on cigarettes.
                            5) Nothing was said in the agreement to give aggrieved smokers seeking tort redress a reasonable
                           chance of winning their suits in the face of endless delaying tactics used by Big Tobacco in the
                           appeals process.
                           6) Nothing was agreed that would prevent the pro-Tobacco majority on the Supreme Court from
                           undoing much of the Agreement, especially as it related to the limits placed on Big Tobacco's advertising
                           to children, the regulation of tobacco by the FDA, the provision for heavy penalties when Big
                           Tobacco was found guilty in court cases and class-action lawsuits against Big Tobacco.

                       (See - See Mark Curriden, "Up in Smoke"  http://www.abanet.org/journal/ereport/m2fsmoke.html   )

                                               Health Advances since Tobacco Agreement.

                                     Certainly, all the publicity here had the the effect of conclusively showing most Americans
                         that cigarettes are highly addictive, as well as a cause of multiple types of cancer, heart disease,
                         respiratory disease, circulatory disease, dementia, premature senility, birth defects.   Cigarette
                         consumption in the US, fell to a 50 year low in 2004. Dr. Stephen A. Schroeder wrote in the
                         New England Journal of Medicine that "Although U.S. smoking rates are slowly declining, progress
                         toward that end [decreasing smoking] "would be faster if federal policymaking matched both the
                         rigor of the scientific evidence against tobacco use and the resolve of antitobacco advocates."
                                    Certainly, more and more state and municipalities ban smoking in restaurants, bars,
                         public places and even on the beach.  And there are pockets of seething contempt for
                         Big Tobacco, as is shown in an Op-Ed piece from rural Bend, Oregon on September 13, 2007:
Big Tobacco Lies in Its Teeth... Why Allow Millions-More (sic) Victims of Uncontrolled Greed?
                         They are the sure consequence of long-paid "corporate campaign contributions.":   In Oregon
                         state politics, "the Republican Party is the party of Big Tobacco by  margin of 27 to 6."
                         People are still very angry about Big Tobacco in Washington state.

                                                            wpe15.jpg (10419 bytes) 

Big Tobacco Is Doing Very Well  Now

                    Have things really changed since the 1998 Tobacco Settlement?  Not so much.
                              1)   The Settlement has been reduced by 33%.
                              2)  Young adults still are the ones who become new smokers. 
                              3)   Despite all the revelations about Big Tobacco's crimes, only a handful of the
                                   smoking victims who have won as plaintiffs before a Judge and Jury,  have had their
                                   case make it through the arduous appeals' process and been paid. 
                             4)    There is still no federal law to require the cigarette industry to reveal what chemicals and
                                   additives are mixed in with the tobacco. Without FDA scrutiny, the nicotine content in
                                   cigarettes has risen by 11% from 1997 to 2005. 

                             5)    The Supreme Court decided tobacco companies have not engaged in criminal
                             6)    The Supreme Court has said they will not allow excessively high judgements
                                    against tobacco companies.
                             7)    The Supreme Court has not allowed some states to percent cigarette advertising
                                   clearly aimed minors.
                             8)    The Supreme Court dismissed suits by foreign nations trying to sue US
                                    tobacco companies for the health damage caused by cigarette smoking. .
                                              Philip Morris' Stock Keep Rising

                      Profits for Philip Morris were $4.5 billion in 2005  - up 36% from 1997.  Philip Morris' stock keeps
           making new highs.  In 1995, MO was at 20.  Today it's 68.24. The weekly chart below shows its
           steady uptrend since the bear market bottom in March 2003.  Mo's stock has tripled since then and
           still shows steady accumulation.

                                              Weekly Chart of Philip Morris
              wpeC.jpg (41441 bytes)  



wpe22.jpg (20581 bytes)          Can you make out what
      the warning label said? 
         Millions of non-American
      men and women have been
      killed by Philip Morris and
      the other tobacco companies.

   wpe24.jpg (12440 bytes)

   wpe13.jpg (11265 bytes)    
   According to one internal 1987 memo, R. J. Reynolds designed a fatter
    cigarette to target "13-24-year-old male Marlboro smokers".


               The Best Government That Money Can Buy         wpeC.jpg (5309 bytes)

    We have seen that Ronald Reagan's Surgeon General and George Bush's Commissioner of
         the FDA started the public health crusade against tobacco.  We have seen that it was Senior Bush's
         FDA Commissioner who uncovered the smoking gun of manipulated levels of nicotine levels and
         sought to have the FDA regulate tobacco as a drug.  Two of Senior Bush's three appointments to
        the Supreme Court voted to sustain heavy penalties and stricter regulation of Big Tobacco.  Much of
        their good work was to be undone by the George Bush Jr. 
The "Shrub", as he is called because he is so
        far below his father's moral and intellectual standards, protected Big Tobacco at every turn.  From
        appointing pro-tobacco Justice of the Supreme Court to denying funds to his own DOJ's efforts
        to police the Tobacco criminals, Bush was the best President Philip Morris could buy! 

                As President, Bush Jr showed he was as morally challenged as he was mentally challenged.
        His transcript at Yale is testament to his innate lack of curiosity and limited intelligence.  But I
        will give him his due.  Running for President in 2000, he publicly and boldly declared for Big Tobacco.
        If elected, he would not, he said, continue the Justice Department's suit against the tobacco industry
       to recover  Medicare costs. A year before, the Clinton administration had filed suit against the
        industry last year  seeking more than $500 billion in payments to make up for the cost to Medicare
        of treating tobacco-related diseases. Republicans in Congress had tried to block money to pay for
       the litigation, but the Clinton administration has vowed to keep it alive. In 1999, Bush told $1,000-a-
       person donors at a Raleign, NC fund-raising dinner he would not raise federal cigarette taxes.

  Big Tobacco's Heavy Backing of George Bush Junior
                                         and Congressional Republicans after 1997

Between 1995 and the end of 2002, Philip Morris, just by itself,  gave more than $10.7 million
         in political contributions, about $9 million to Republicans, making it number four on the
        all-time soft-money donor list. 
Philip Morris was the top TOTAL contributor to the Republican Party.
        Big Tobacco "soft" money was a significant help to Bush in 2000.

               In 2000, Philip Morris was the second largest DIRECT contributor to the Republican Party,
       giving almost $1.5 million. 
  "Soft" money from Big Tobacco also significantly helped Bush in 2000.
       The American political system, especially on the Republican side, became awash with tobacco money.
       When Bush was made President in 2000, there was a loud "sigh of relief", said a Wall Street analyst.
       Tobacco shares leaped upwards.
  (For more information on Big Tobacco's campaign contributions, see -
       http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=11470  )

                    Since the
2002 McCain-Feingold ban on soft-money contributions to political parties,
             Big Tobacco has cut down on its campaign contributions.
  It used to rely heavily of "soft money"
             contributions,   which were mainly given to the Republican Party.  Corporate jet flights and fund raising
             dinners topped the list.  In the 2004 election cycle, Bush was the top recipient of tobacco money
             taking in $167,845. That  year, the tobacco industry also gave $2,180,155 to Republican candidates
             and party committees overall. [Center for Responsive Politics, Accessed 6/8/05]

                                        Karl Rove's Close Ties with Big Tobacco

                           Karl Rove, sometimes known as "Bush's Brain" and certainly Bush's most trusted
             political strategist since the 1970s, was on the Philip Morris pay role from 1991 to 1996. 

             While Rove was masterminding Bush's gubernatorial victory of 1994 in Texas, he himself was
             a paid political intelligence operative for the Philip Morris and reported to another Bush aide,
            Jack Dillard, ubiquitous tobacco lobbyist. (Someone should investigate how many men Big
            Tobacco hires and pays, so that all the while they can do work for their favorite Republican
             candidate.   I doubt if this SOFT money contribution was ever reported!)

  Bush Junior Put Tobacco Foxes In Charge
                              of Protecting Public Health!


                   Beginning in 2002, he drastically cut the funding of the Federal lawsuit against Big Tobacco.  
              In 2001, the Tobacco Litigation Team was provided with $23 million. However, in 2002,
              Bush failed to set aside any funding for continued legal efforts, including discovery, research and
              storage of billions of pages of documents. The Tobacco Litigation Team informed Ashcroft that
              without a budget increase, "there are no realistic prospects for a settlement" and that the Team
              would be forced "seriously to consider seeking authority to dismiss the case." [Washington Post,
              4/24/01 and 4/25/01]  

             In 2005, Senior Justice Department officials, appointed by George Bush, pressured
               experts to change soften their testimony against Big Tobacco. [Washington Post, 6/9/05]

               These same Bush appointed high DOJ officials overrode the objections of career
               attorneys running the federal tobacco racketeering trial, ordering them to reduce the penalties
               by more than $120 billion dollars.  

                                 (Source: http://democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=239033&  

                                      "Under pressure from high-ranking Bush administration officials, government lawyers
                               argued that the tobacco companies should pay a fine that is a fraction of the amount called
                               for by the government’s own witnesses...  On June 7, the government announced that it
                               was requesting that the industry be forced to pay only $10 billion over five years to fund
                               a smoking cessation program. The program would be designed to help addicted smokers
                              quit. A government witness had previously testified that a program to target all existing smokers
                              in the US, estimated at about 45 million people, would require funding of $130 billion over
                              25 years. It had been widely expected that the Justice Department would follow the
                              testimony of its own witness in making its request before the District Court.  

                                       "The government’s decision this week was so obviously motivated by political considerations
                               that it elicited a comment from Judge Gladys Kessler, of the US District Court for the District of
                             Columbia,   who suggested that perhaps “there are some additional influences being brought
                             to bear on the government’s position in this case.” It is no secret that these “additional influences”
                             were top officials of the Bush administration  itself.  The case was based on the Racketeering
                             Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act."

                                      As it turned out the Supreme Court threw out even this award on October 17, 2006.
                             See below.  And only two or three individual law suits filed against tobacco companies have
                             led to payoffs.  The tobacco companies have appealed all sizeable jury rewards, all the way
                             to the Supreme Court.   Each time the Supreme Court ( 8 of its nine Justices were appointed
                             by Republican Presidents.) has sided with Big Tobacco every time, and  certainly in all the
                             biggest cases.  ( http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/jun2005/tob1-j13.shtml )

                                The Dept. of Justice under Bush was run by lawyers
                                        with deep ties to Big Tobacco.

Former Senator John Ashcroft - US Attorney General & Big Tobacco
                     1998 - 
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 1998   WASHINGTON, April 1 (UPI) --
A history lesson: The Senate commerce committee has approved a sweeping tobacco settlement
                               bill, freeing it for a floor vote sometime in May. Committee members voted 19-1 tonight in favor
                               of the bill, which proposes a $1.10 hike in cigarette taxes, promises sharp restrictions on tobacco
                               advertising and marketing, and outlines hefty fines for companies if youth smoking is not reduced
                               by 60 percent within the next decade.  Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo., was the lone voice of dissent,
                               objecting that the bill could destroy the tobacco companies --  and with them the tobacco farmers
                               in his state.

                                              (See more :
http://www.infoimagination.org/ps/election_2000/bush_action/ag.html )

McCallum, Who Oversees Civil Division, Has Strong Ties to Tobacco.
                                 The Los Angeles Times reported that: "Before his appointment in the Justice Department in 2001,
                                           McCallum had been a partner at Alston & Bird, an Atlanta-based firm that has done trademark
                                          and patent work for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco. In 2002, McCallum signed a friend-of-the-court
                                          brief by the administration urging the Supreme Court not to consider an appeal by the government
                                          of Canada to reinstate a cigarette smuggling case against R.J. Reynolds that had been dismissed."
                                          Los Angeles Times, 6/8/05]

                       3. THEODORE ULLYOT, CHIEF OF STAFF AT DOJ    Ullyot Was A Partner
                                At Kirkland & Ellis, "Top Corporate Law Firm"
For Big Tobacco. Ullyot was a partner of
                                          former Whitewater counsel Kenneth Starr at the Kirkland & Ellis law firm and also was a law clerk
                                          for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. In 2002, Kirkland & Ellis was listed as the top corporate
                                         law firm for fighting class action lawsuits because of its decades of work defending tobacco company
                                          Brown & Williamson
. [AP, 2/14/05; Fullerton County Daily Report, 4/27/05; Corporate Board Member, 7/1/02]

Yanes Represented Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds In Tobacco Lawsuits.
                                Yanes was a partner at the New York law firm Davis, Polk and Wardwell, where his
                                clients included Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds n tobacco lawsuits and the Arthur
                                Andersen accounting firm. [AP 2/14/05]

                       5.  RALPH BOYD, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 
                               Boyd Has Advised The
    Tobacco Industry. Boyd, the assistant attorney general
                               overseeing civil rights, has advised the tobacco and gun industries as lawyer with the
                               Boston firm Goodwin Procter. [Richmond Times Dispatch, 4/1/01; Washington Post, 3/7/01]

                                          wpe14.jpg (11566 bytes)

            Bush's Director of the US Federal Trade Commission, Howard Beales, was a long time
            Big Tobacco operative..
  Howard Beales III, worked as a consultant for R.J. Reynolds when it was being challenged
                  by the FTC for using advertisements that made tobacco appealing to children and teens.
                  Beales asserted there was no connection between tobacco advertising and smoking among
                 young people. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 6/18/01; Deseret News, 6/12/01]

                                    Beales Defended 'Joe Camel.' Beales is an economist who has asserted that there is
                                    no link between cigarette advertisements and smoking among teenagers. Beales
                                    defended the use of the Joe Camel cartoon character in tobacco advertising.
                                     [Deseret News, 6/12/01; Cox News Service, 6/12/01]

                                    Wolf In Charge Of Henhouse. Matthew Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco
                                    Free Kids, likened Beales's appointment to "putting the wolf in charge of the hen house."
                                    He added: "Someone with those kinds of ties to the tobacco industry, whose position
                                    on the impact of advertising, particularly on young people, is so far out of the mainstream,
                                    cannot be counted on to protect our kids." [Washington Post, 5/31/05]

                    House Republican Majority Leaders' Ties To Big Tobacco

                    ABC News reported   that "when DeLay was arraigned in a Texas court last month on criminal
              charges, he flew there on a jet provided by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. DeLay has boasted
              that he was the one who killed the last legislative effort to have the government regulate cigarettes
              in a bill that R.J. Reynolds said would put it out of business."  Big Tobacco has provided lavish parties
              during the Political Convention season.  They make available corporate jets.  These are only some
              of the more obvious forms that "soft money" contributions take.   As a result of Republican Tom DeLay's
              recent indictment, Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., has taken over for a time as majority leader of the House.
              Like DeLay,
                    At the start of 2006, new Republican Majority Leader Blunt is closely connected to the tobacco
              industry. His new wife, Abigain Perlman, is a top lobbyist for Philip Morris'  parent company, and
              his son also lobbies for Philip Morris.
                           See also: http://effectmeasure.blogspot.com/2006/01/in-bed-with-big-tobacco.html

                                                                   Bag Man

                    A 1996 NY Times report: 
One day last summer Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio,
             chairman of the House Republican Conference, decided to play Santa Claus. … In any event,
            Mr. Boehner took it upon himself to begin handing out money from tobacco lobbyists to
            certain of his colleagues on the House floor
.  Boehner stopped handing out the checks only
            “after being questioned about the practice by two freshmen who’d heard about the handoff on the
            House floor” [Charleston Gazette, 5/11/96]

                                     Tort Limitation Would Serve Big Tobacco Well

                       American corporations have seen the size of mounting numbers of tobacco settlements and
              they are becoming frightened.  Insurance companies, manufacturers of dangerous products and
              chemicals, the tobacco industry and other major industries have been engaged in a nationwide
              assault on the civil justice system. In nearly every state and in Congress, corporations and their
              insurers have waged a relentless campaign to change the laws that give sick and injured consumers
              the ability to hold their offenders responsible for the injuries they cause.  Industry spokesmen
              do their best to make it seem that the civil justice system in "out of control".    They call for "tort reform".
              Ken Starr, Clinton's nemesis, had been a tobacco lawyer.  He prepared a special "tort reform" report
              in 1991.

                                  Big Tobacco Seeks To Topple Key Republican Lawmaker 
                                             Who Didn't Vote as Ordered.

Philip Morris is also now targeting Republican lawmakers who don't vote their way
             for the 2008 election in some new attack ads sent by mail to select voters. US Senator Gordon
             Smith(R-OR) is their number-1 target.  He voted with a small number of Republican moderates
             to raise taxes on cigarettes to help fund federal children's health care programs.  He disobeyed
             his party's leadership, George Bush and Big Tobacco, who claim this is a big step towards
             socialized medicine.

                     (Source: http://progressivevalues.blogspot.com/2007/09/big-tobacco-seeks-to-topple-republican.html )

                                                Justice for Sale, Illinois Style!

                      In 2000, in Illinois, lawyers from Phillip Morris contributed $16,000 to help elect a judge who
              cast a deciding vote in the Illinois Supreme Court case favoring the tobacco giant. 
The Republican
              judge also received $1.2 million in campaign money from a group that filed an amicus brief supporting the
              cigarette-maker. Somehow, no one suggested that Judge Lloyd Karmeier excuse himself from a
              closely watched case in which he voted with three others to strike down a $10.1 billion judgment,
              handing a huge victory to Philip Morris.  More details below. 

                                            Campaign Contributions from Big Tobacco

                                       wpeC.jpg (11835 bytes)

                   In the chart above note the big jump in contributions to Republicans from 1996 to 2002.    
                   See 1996 -  "Big Tobacco Is Betting Its Future on The Republican Party" ny Peter H/ Stone
                           (Sample excerpted form Mother Jones, May/June 1996)
                           "On February 5, Geoffrey Bible, CEO of Philip Morris Cos. Inc., chaired a little-noticed dinner
                   for the Republican Governors Association in Washington that smashed records by raking in $2.6 million.
                   At the gala, which Philip Morris underwrote to the tune of about $100,000, Bible spoke passionately
                   to the governors about tobacco's benefits to the economy."

Election Cycle


Total Contributions

Contributions from Individuals

Contributions from PACs

Soft Money Contributions

Donations to Democrats

Donations to Republicans

% to Dems

% to Repubs





































































































                                 Starting in 1994, Big Tobacco Starts
              Giving Much More Money To Republicans         

                         In 1990, tobacco money split 53 to 47 percent in favor of the Republicans.
  "Soft money"
          campaign contributions rose sharply in the next ten years. Soft money cover goodies like free
          air fare in corporate jets.   Big Tobacco frequently provided corporate jets for Republican
          Congressmen.  Dozens of such flights were recorded in 1997 and 1998 for Republicans.  No such
          trips were recorded for Democratic Congressmen.  This was at a key time in the Tobacco Settlement
In 2000 tobacco money favored the Republicans by a whopping 83-17 margin,
          according to the Center for Responsive Politics.   By 2005, tobacco money was too hot for many
          Congressman to take.  So, some like R-Jennifer Dunn of Washington got money from Kraft Foods,
          which is wholly owned by Philip Morris.


                Bush's Supreme Court Sides with Big Tobacco,
                                Time after Time

                If you study the tobacco cases, you will see that the Supreme Court has only 
                let stand 4 or 5 lower court rulings and findings against Big Tobacco

          #1          March 21, 2000 --- US Supreme Court Rules 5-4 for Big Tobacco.
                                               and against FDA Regulation of Tobacco
                       It proclaimed 5-4 that the FDA does not have the authority to regulate tobacco as a drug!
(Editor's note: What a croc!)

                                                               FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.

                                          Voting in favor of Big Tobacco were:
                                                        O'Connor - age, 77, Appointed by conservative President Ronald Reagan,
                                                        Rehnquist - now deceased - Appointed by President Richard Nixon
                                                                  He was active in the Republican Party and served as a legal advisor to
                                                                  Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign. 
                                                        Scalia age, 71, Appointed by conservative President Ronald Reagan,
                                                        Kennedy - age, 71, Appointed by conservative President Ronald Reagan,
                                                        Thomas - age, 59, Appointed by conservative President George Bush Sr.
                                            Voting to protect consumers:
                                                        Breyer - age, 69, Appointed by President George Bush, Sr.
                                                        Stevens age, 87, Appointed by President Gerald Ford
                                                        Souter   - age, 67,  Appointed by President George Bush, Sr
                                                        Ginsburg - age, 74,  Appointed by President Clinton


      #2           June 29, 2001
                       Supreme Court Reins in Local Authorities' Regulation of Tobacco Ads

                       The Supreme Court today placed significant limits on the ability of state and local governments
                       to regulate tobacco advertising in a case from Massachusetts that also appeared to invalidate a
                       similar law in New York City.  All nine justices agreed that smoking by children was a serious
                       public health problem that government policies could appropriately address. But invoking an amalgam
                       of statutory and constitutional reasons, all nine also found invalid the core of a sweeping tobacco
                       advertising ban that was adopted two years ago in Massachusetts and was the most far-reaching
                       It violates FREE SPEECH they said. Although the industry has not challenged the 32-year-old
                       federal ban on cigarette advertising on radio and television, the court's constitutional analysis of the
                       industry's right to market its products to an adult audience would appear to make the ban vulnerable
                       if it were attacked on First Amendment grounds.

      #3         October 30, 2001Foreign Nations Have No Redress for Health Care Costs
                                         of US Tobacco

                  The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday rejected an appeal by three foreign nations of the dismissal
                  of their lawsuits seeking to recover smoking-related health-care costs from the tobacco industry.

     #4           October 17, 2006 -
             Supreme Court Overturns Tobacco Penalty

                          Arrogantly and"without comment",  without even bothering to explain themselves, the
            Supreme Court rejected the Justice Department's appeal to allow a potential $280 billion penalty
            based on racketeering charges against the tobacco companies.

                 "It was a big victory for big tobacco. A big, big victory. After a six year prosecution, the
            U.S. Supreme Court backed a lower court, throwing out the Justice Department attempt to force a group
            of tobacco companies to pay $280 billion for decades of covering up the health effects of smoking.
                        "The court ruled that the law cited by the government – written in the 1970s to take down mobsters
            and racketeers, could not be used to prosecute the tobacco companies. The charges, first leveled in 1999,
           accuse Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, British American Tobacco and Altria of conspiring to promote cigarette
           smoking among children and to hide tobacco’s detrimental health effects.
                         "The government originally sought $289 billion from the companies. Of the total, $280 billion
           represents revenue and interest from sales between 1971 and 2000 to smokers younger than age 21,
           as well as interest. In its case, the Justice Department charged that the tobacco companies manipulated
           nicotine levels, misled consumers about the health risks of smoking and directed multibillion-dollar
           promotional campaigns at children.
                       "The government also charged that the companies' marketing of light and ultralight cigarettes
           provided "a false sense of reassurance to smokers," lessening "their resolve to quit smoking" and drawing
           "ex-smokers back into the market."
                       "Among government documents filed in the case were those purporting to show that cigarette
           companies worked to "financially reward scientists in every world market" with the "overarching goal"
           of downplaying the dangers of secondhand smoke in an effort to forestall smoking bans. The tobacco
           companies denied the allegations."
                     ( www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2005/scotus_tobacco.html )


   #5      November 28, 2006   Supreme Court rejected an appeal from smokers who said they were misled
            about the health risks of “light” cigarettes. 
Arrogantly, "without comment",  without even bothering
            to explain themselves, the Supreme Court refused to revive a $10.1 billion award against Philip
            Morris.  They left intact an Illinois Supreme Court decision that threw out the case against Philip Morris
            which overturned an award in 2005.  They said that
the Federal Trade Commission had actually endorsed
            the “light” and “low tar” descriptions in settlements with other cigarette makers.
                    Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/28/business/28bizcourt.html?n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/Organizations/S/Supreme%20Court


    #6         "Shielding The Powerful"   
            February 20, 2007       Philip Morris USA v. Williams, Mayola
                            Again, showing its contempt or jury trials, the Supreme Court threw out a more than $79.5 million
           Oregon jury's judgment against the Philip Morris tobacco company
The widow of a longtime smoker
           had successfully sued the company for fraud, for deceiving her husband for forty about the dangers of smoking,
           even though they knew cigarettes were deadly.
           By a 5 to 4 majority, the Supreme Court stated that jurors improperly calculated the harm smoking  had
           done.   Juries must not punish "for harm caused strangers to the litigation."   The Court did
           not address the fact that the ratio of punitive damages to compensatory damages was nearly 100 to one.
           The mission all along of the Supreme Court's Bush created majority was clearly to protect big tobacco.
           I say this because there are ample Supreme Court precedents where the "reprehensibility" of a defendant's
           conduct IS a factor the jury may consider
.  The decision reverts the case back to the Oregon
           Supreme Court. The New York Times opined that the decision "stretches ...due process in a way that
           will make it easier for companies that act reprehensibly to sidestep serious punishment.

                               Voting for Big Tobacco were:
                          Breyer - age, 69, Appointed by President George Bush, Sr.
                          Roberts, George Bush Jr. appointee.
                          Kennedy,  Four years earlier he wrote that "few awards exceeding a single-digit ratio"
                                                              would meet the test of "due process".                                                               
                          Souter   - age, 68,  Appointed by President George Bush, Sr
                          Alito -   George Bush  Jr. appointee.

                             Voting against Big Tobacco were:
                           Ginsburg, -  Clinton   appointee.
                           Scalia - , 71, Appointed by Ronald Reagan,
                           Thomas.- 59, Appointed by  George Bush Sr.
                           John Paul Stevens  - “no procedural error even arguably justifying reversal occurred at the
                           trial in this case.” and
"A murderer who kills his victim by throwing a bomb that injures dozens
                           of bystanders should be punished more severely than one who harms no one other than his
                           intended victim.”

                           The New York Times summed it all up.  "
the court has been far less activist when ordinary people |
                           seek protection or challenge their punishments. The ruling stands in particular contrast with the court’s
                           2003 decision that the Eighth Amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishments” did not bar
                           California, under its “three strikes” law, from sentencing a man to 50 years in prison for stealing
                           $153.53 worth of videotapes. Yesterday’s decision is another disturbing sign that — as the current
                           court reads the Constitution — powerful parties have more rights than regular people."


                   TOBACCO TIMELINE   Best source

        X = Big Tobacco victory.   Public Health Victory is in Blue.

       1982-1990 - 125 different law suits against tobacco companies by individuals who were harmed addictive smoking.
       1997-12-31:  MINNESOTA Judge Fitzpatrick fines BROWN & WILLIAMSON $100,000 for failure to turn
       over American Tobacco Co. documents now held by Gallaher in Britain. This is the most severe court sanction
       against a tobacco company in decades.
       1998-01-07: Justice Department files a criminal information suit against DNA Plant Technology Corp. of Oakland,
        CA accusing them of developing "Y-1" high-nicotine tobacco with an "unindicted coconspirator"
       1998-05-27: LITIGATION: WYNN: Alabama Circuit Judge William Wynn, files suit seeking to revoke the
       charters of the nation's five major cigarette companies. Wynn called for the criminal enforcement of tobacco
       companies' misdemeanors, and upon finding that the companies have broken the law, that the state should
       revoke the companies' charters to do business in Alabama. 

       1998-06-10: LITIGATION: WIDDICK Trial: Largest damages in tobacco litigation history are awarded.
       Jury finds for Widdick, orders B&W to pay almost $1 million. This is Norwood S. Wilner's 2nd win against B&W
   X  1998-08-13: LITIGATION: WIDDICK: A Florida appeals court rules that the Widdick trial was held in the
       wrong county.

  X 1998-06-17: LEGISLATION: On a procedural vote, Republicans in the US Senate kill the McCain tobacco
        bill, meant to curb teen smoking.

  X   1998-07-17: LITIGATION: Federal Judge overturns 1993 EPA secondhand smoke report;
       November 1998  - 55 US state'/territories' tobacco settlement - $368 billion were to be paid by tobacco
       companies over the first 25 years in return for an end to all state claims against the companies for fraud,
       anti-trust violations and smoking-related Medicaid expenses...

Jeremy Bulow, the Richard A. Stepp Stanford Professor of Economics at the Graduate School of Business.
       “In reality the settlement preserved tobacco companies’ profits while it gave the trial lawyers an incredibly large
       ongoing source of income gouged from the hides of smokers and handed state politicians bragging rights as Davids
       to Big Tobacco’s Goliaths.”  http://www.gsb.stanford.edu/news/bmag/sbsm0708/kn-tobacco.html "“Smokers in
       some states (including Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia) are paying over $100 million per year more
       for tobacco than the settlement returns to their states’ coffers.”  The agreement allowed Big Tobacco to raise
       prices by about $2 per carton over and beyond all cost increases linked to tax hikes and settlement
       payments. The increase, says Bulow, was about equal to the entire cost of producing the cigarettes.

                                    Why Tobacco companies agreed:
                   1)   The deal severely limits FDA's jurisdiction over tobacco and nicotine.  It prevented FDA regulation
                                      of nicotine for a decade.
                    2) The tobacco deal permits smoking in restaurants (except fast food), bars and casinos.
                    3) It would give the American worker far less protection than OSHA has proposed.
                    4.) Tobacco companies may continue to conceal secret internal documents.
                                     Koop-Kessler said "All internal tobacco industry documents that bear on the public
                                     health must be disclosed." The disclosures must come before Congress passes any legislation
                                     so the public can judge what penalties and restrictions are appropriate and fair; not afterwards,
                                     when it is too late, and all sides are bound by the legislative agreement. The disclosures must
                                     also be made so consumers and future customers can make an informed choice about the
                                     industry and its products..
                    5. Tobacco companies did not have to admit that smoking even causes cancer or other diseases.
                                     Only the Liggett Group has admitted that cigarettes are addictive!.
                    6. Though it may seem that tobacco has agreed to pay a lot.  It is a fact that smoking costs the
                                     American public over $100 billion a year. Another way to estimate the value of the
                                     settlement of lawsuits is to note that most agencies and jury verdicts value an adult human life
                                     at over $1 million. Since smoking kills almost 500,000 Americans each year (419,000
                                     smokers and over 60,000 nonsmokers), the annual costs in lives alone (not including those
                                     simply disabled) would be roughly 500,000 times $1 million or $500 billion per year,
                                     or $30 trillion over 60 years. A settlement of even $400 billion would be less than 2 cents
                                     on the dollar.
                    7. The tobacco company payments will be tax deductible.  So, the rest of the tax payers are subsidizing
                                     this sum. 

        1998    Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., tried to make the agreement more acceptable to public health advocates
                    by increasing the amount the cigarette makers would pay to $516 billion over 25 years. But the
                    new price tag was too much for Big Tobacco, which ordered its lobbyists to stop pushing for passage
                    of the bill and start fighting it.  In June 1998, the McCain Comprehensive Tobacco Bill died on the
                    floor of the U.S. Senate after several key senators concluded it was not’t tough enough on the cigarette
                    makers. In the eight years since, not a single piece of tobacco-control legislation has even made it to a
                    vote.   See Mark Curriden, "Up in Smoke"    http://www.abanet.org/journal/ereport/m2fsmoke.html  

        jury returns $81 Million verdict against PM, giving Jesse Williams' family about $800,000 in compensatory
        damages and $79.5 million punitive damages. The award is later cut to $32M, then reinstated in June, 2002
        and then sent back to Oregon Supreme Court from US Supreme Court in  2006.  See below/

   1999-06: LITIGATION: WILLIAMS: Oregon Appellate Court sends Jesse Williams case back to the
       original court and orders the jury to reenter the original award. Philip Morris says it will appeal to the
       Oregon Supreme Court.

       1999San Francisco jury ordered Philip Morris to pay $51.5 million to lung cancer victim.

 X    1999-05-10: LITIGATION: KARNEY VS. Philip Morris, et.al.: A jury in Memphis, TN, finds for the defense
         in a trial that consolidated the suits of 3 plaintiffs: Bobby Newcomb, James W. Karney and Florence Bruch
         (McDaniel). Jurors found RJR 30% responsible for Newcomb's lung cancer, and B&W 20% responsible,
         but Tennessee law requires damages only if a company is found more than 50% responsible. 

X     1999-05-13:LITIGATION: STEELE VS. BROWN & WILLIAMSON: A federal jury in Kansas City, Mo.,
         finds the company was not at fault in the case of Charles Steele, a smoker who died of lung cancer in 1995.

     1999-05-23: ENTERTAINMENT: RUPERT MURDOCH's Fox Network runs "Independence Day," the
          world's most expensive cigar commercial--and popular kid favorite--in prime time. Fox also produced the
           film (cigar product placement by Feature This).

X      1999-05-27: BUSINESS: PHILIP MORRIS board member Rupert Murdoch's Fox Entertainment Group
          announces that it will launch a new Web-cable property called The Health Network.

        1999-07-07: LITIGATION: : ENGLE jurors rule that smoking causes diseases such as lung cancer and that
        U.S. cigarette makers hid the dangers of their products from the public.

        1999-10-13: BUSINESS: Philip Morris launches website; for first time, acknowledges scientific consensus
        on smoking. "There is an overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung
        cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers,'' its website,
        http://www.philipmorris.com ,  states."there is no safe cigarette . . . cigarette smoking is addictive, as that term
        is most commonly used today.''

        1999-11-12: LOBBYING: New York Lobbying Commission hits Philip Morris with the largest fine in
         commission history, $75,000; forbids PM's chief Albany representative Sharon Portnoy from lobbying in
         New York state for three years.

 X    2000: CONSUMPTION: 29.7% of high school senior girls report having smoked within the last 30 days.
        32.8% of high school senior boys report having smoked within the last 30 days.(U. of Mich, 2000)

       2000-02-08: Wholesalers and distributors file suit against major tobacco companies, accusing them of
       collusion/price fixing because they raised cigarette prices "by the exact amount" during 1997 and 1998.

2000-03-20: LITIGATION: Whiteley Jurors find against Tobacco

    California Superior Court jury finds that the Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds acted with malice,
    knew about the health hazards of smoking and deliberately misled the public about those dangers.
    It also found that the two companies committed fraud.

X     2000-03-21 Republican dominated US Supreme Court Rules 5-4 against FDA Regulation of Tobacco

            "No matter how important, conspicuous, and controversial the issue, and regardless of how likely
             the public is to hold the Executive Branch politically accountable, an administrative agency's power
             to regulate in the public interest must always be grounded in a valid grant of authority from Congress."

  •          2000-03-29: LITIGATION: Federal jury rules UST violated antitrust laws; U.S. Tobacco Co
             ordered to pay $1.05 billion to Conwood. The Kentucky jury awarded $350 million in damages
             to Conwood; U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell trebled that amount pursuant to federal law.
             Conwood charged that UST had engaged in anti-competitive business practices in trying to control
              point-of-sale advertising, including vandalizing and removing Conwood in-store display racks

             2000-04-07: LITIGATION: Engle Jury Awards 3 Smokers $12.7 Million in damages; punitives
             yet to be decided.
        2000-11-04: LITIGATION: ENGLE: U.S. District Judge Ursula Ungaro-Benages rules that the
            Engle case belongs in state, not federal court.
            2000-11-06: LITIGATION: ENGLE: Judge Kaye affirms $145 Billion award against tobacco companies.
            2000 - San Francisco jury ordered Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds to pay $21.7 million to lung cancer patient..

            2000-06-25: BUSINESS: Philip Morris Cos. agrees to acquire Nabisco Holdings Corp. for $18.9 billion.

            2000-07-14: LITIGATION: Engle Jury Awards Florida Smokers Punitive Damages of $145 Billion--
            the biggest judgment in U.S. history.

            2000-08-27: LITIGATION: Russia Sues Tobacco in Miami-Dade County court, Florida, charging
            Philip Morris and other tobacco companies with causing suffering to Russian smokers, hiding the
            risks of cigarettes, and damaging Russia's economy.

            2000-08: BUSINESS: RJR spins out Targacept. A world leader in neuronal nicotinic receptor (NNR)
            research and development, Targacept is dedicated to the design, discovery and development of a new
            class of drugs that will treat Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ulcerative colitis and others. The
            business was begun out of RJR's 1982 program investigating the effects of nicotine on the human body.

            2000-10-12: LITIGATION: JONES: A Florida jury decides that the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. was
            responsible for the death of Robert Jones' wife Suzanne M. Jones, and awards compensatory damages
            totaling $200,028.57 for negligence on the part of RJR and a defective cigarette design.

            2000-11-03: LITIGATION: European Union files suit in New York against RJR, Philip Morris on
            RICO/smuggling claims.

            2000-11-05: LITIGATION: Lorillard, Liggett reach a tentative $8 Billion Settlement of individual
            tobacco suits, brokered by NY Judge Weinstein.

            2001-03-08: LITIGATION: Grady Carter collects $1.1 million from Brown & Williamson Tobacco
            Corp. The payment, covering a 1996 jury award of $750,000 plus interest,
    represents the first time
            an individual collected payment from the tobacco industry for a tobacco-related illness.

    X     2001-04-05: LITIGATION: FL: Miami jury finds cigarette manufacturers not liable for the lung diseases
            of former TWA flight attendant Marie Fontana. This was the first individual case (out of about 3200 filed)
            after the Broin settlement.

    X     2001-05-16: LITIGATION: NJ: jury finds Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds not liable in the Mehlman
            personal lawsuit (Mehlman v. Philip Morris, et. al.)

            June 6, 2001 -  In an LA jury trial, a
    longtime smoker who has lung cancer today won the largest individual civil award ever levied
            against a tobacco company, slightly more than $3 billion from the Philip Morris Companies. The jury ordered
            Philip Morris to pay $3 billion in punitive damages and $5.5 million in general damages to Richard Boeken,
            56, who admitted to smoking at least two packs of the company's Marlboro cigarettes a day for 40 years.
            The smoker's lawyer introduced company memorandums showing that Philip Morris was aware of the
            health hazards of smoking even as it promoted cigarettes as ''cool.'',  The cancer victim Mr. Boeken, said he
            had been able to overcome a dependence on heroin and alcohol but had not been able to defeat his addiction
            to cigarettes.  2001-08-09: :Amount is later reduced to $50 Million on 10/2/2004 because of Supreme Court.

                                 Judge denied a new trial saying:

                             "The record fully supports findings that Philip Morris knew by the late 1950s and early
                        1960s that the nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive, that substances in cigarette tar
                        cause lung cancer, and that no substantial medical or scientific doubt existed on these crucial
    Nevertheless, motivated primarily by a professed desire to generate wealth, Philip Morris,
                       in concert with other major American tobacco companies, consistently endeavored through
                       calculated misrepresentations to create doubts in the minds of snickers , especially addicted
                       smokers such as Richard Boeken, that cigarettes are neither addictive nor disease-producing....                 
                       Philip Morris is not being punished for marketing cigarettes, but rather for engaging in a
                       fraudulent business scheme"  Judge
    Charles W. (The Real) McCoy, Jr.

    X     2001-06-28:  US Supreme Court bars Mass. ad restrictions.

    X    2001-11-15: BUSINESS: Philip Morris proposes changing its corporate name to Altria, which would
           consist of Miller Beer, Kraft Foods, and the two cigarette branches, Philip Morris USA and Philip
           Morris International.

           2001-11-29: Beatle George Harrison dies of lung cancer. He had been battling various forms of the disease
           for at least three years: In 1998, he underwent radiation therapy for throat cancer, which he attributed to years
          of smoking.

           2002-02-22: LITIGATION: Burton wins suit in Kansas. RJR and B&W are found guilty of failing to warn
           about the risks of smoking before warning labels appeared in the 1960s. Jurors found that David Burton's
           peripheral vascular disease (PVD), which caused him to lose both his legs, was caused by smoking. They
           ordered R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. to pay $196,416 in compensatory damages and Brown & Williamson
           Tobacco Corp. to pay $1,984 for Burton's medical bills and economic losses. Reynolds also was found liable
           for punitive damages for fraudulently concealing the risks and addictiveness of smoking, according to the
           unanimous verdict. This is the first time the industry has lost 1) in the MidWest; 2) in a federal court (except
           for Cipollone, which was overturned on appeal); 3) in connection with PVD.

           10/1/2002   A Los Angeles Superior Court jury last week ordered Philip Morris to pay $850,000 to compensate
            Betty Bullock  for her illness. This week the jury will determine the amount of punitive damages designed to punish
            the company.

           2001-10-16: US Court of Appeals (First Circuit) reinstates a Massachusetts law that requires tobacco
           companies to disclose the ingredients in their products.     

           2002-03-22: LITIGATION: Oregon Jury finds for Marlene Schwartz; finds Philip Morris lied on "light"
          cigarettes and orders company to Pay $150 M. Award will be cut to $100 M in May. 

           2002-04-11: CDC estimates smoking health and productivity costs reach $150 billion a year,
           according to a new study published WMMR. CDC estimated the total cost of smoking at $3,391
           a year for every smoker, and even itemized the per-pack health/productivity costs at $7.18 per pack.
           Further, it estimated the smoking-related medical costs at $3.45 per pack, and job productivity lost
            because of premature death from smoking at $3.73 per pack.

            2002-05: LITIGATION: Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Conrad Aragon fines RJR $14.8 Million
            for illegally handing out free cigarettes at events like street fairs and car races where children are present.

            2002-06-05: LITIGATION: WILLIAMS: Oregon Court of Appeals reinstates $80Billion Williams award.
            "[D]efendant's narrow focus on the ratio between punitive and compensatory damages ignores the underlying
             purpose for awarding punitive damages, which is to punish and deter a wrongdoer. The reprehensibility of the
             defendant's actions, the number of people affected or potentially affected, and indications that the defendant
             will not change its actions without punishment are all relevant factors. It is also clear that the defendant's wealth
             is an important consideration; an award that might be a serious punishment for one defendant could be
            only a minor inconvenience for another."
    San Diego County Superior Court.

            2002-06-18: LITIGATION: Florida jury rules for French in Broin spinoff; nation's first award over secondhand

             2002-06-06: LITIGATION: California judge fines RJR $20 million for violating the 1998 tobacco settlement
             by targeting youths in a magazine advertising campaign.  a flight attendant who claimed her chronic sinusitis was
             the result of exposure to secondhand smoke while working on flights in the 1970s and 80s, and awarded her
              $5.5M in damages.

             2002-07-01: HI: Honolulu smoking ban goes into effect, prohibiting smoking in all workplaces, restaurants
             and bars within restaurants.

            2002-08-05: LITIGATION: California Supreme Court rules on legislators' "Napkin Deal" intentions,
            allows 10-year window of immunity: Smokers can't sue over industry conduct between 1988 and 1998,
            unless they claim additives to cigarettes increased the danger. (Myers v. Philip Morris Cos. Inc)

    X     2002-08-28: Ohio Supreme Court rules 6-1 that local health boards lack authority to restrict smoking in public
           places, invalidating smoking bans in a dozen counties.

           2002-09-26: LITIGATION: CA: Philip Morris Loses Bullock Case. Jury awards Bullock $850,000.
           Michael Puize wins 2nd case (after Boeken).

          2002-09-26: LITIGATION: CA: Jury Orders Philip Morris to pay Bullock $28 Billion in punitive damages,
          the largest payment to a single plaintiff in history. (Bullock v. Philip Morris Inc., Cal. Super. Ct., No. BC 249171) 

          2002-10-10: NY: New York City holds first hearing on indoor smoking ban that would include all bars
          and restaurants. Mayor Bloomberg opens the testimony with a plea to pass the bill.

          2002-11-08: Philip Morris is fined for breaching Australian tobacco advertising laws. 

           2002-12-07: REGULATION: A ban on smoking becomes effective throughout the US Military, in accordance
           with Pres. Clinton's 1997 executive order banning smoking in all federal facilities, and after Defense Secretary
           Cohen's 3-year grace period.

          2002-12-11: REGULATION: Boston bans indoor smoking.

          2002-12-12: LITIGATION: Federal appeals court upholds $1.4 million verdict against Olympic
          Airways in secondhand smoke death, the largest individual secondhand smoke award in the US.

          2002-12-30: REGULATION: New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg signs clean air bill; bars smoking
           in almost all indoor space. Will go into effect March 31, 2003.
     X   December 18,  2002 - CA Superior Court Judge Warren Ettinger slashed a record-breaking award to a
            former smoker  to $28 million.   The jury had also awarded cancer victim Bullock $750,000 for compensation
            of medical expenses and loss of earnings and $100,000 for pain and suffering - but the punitive damages were
            33,000 times those amounts, a ratio deemed by Ettinger to be excessive. In a statement, Philip Morris said the
            new ratio is nearly 33 to 1, well in excess of the four-to-one ratio the U.S. Supreme Court has suggested
            approaches the constitutional limit of such awards.

    X    2002-12-31: LITIGATION: Tobacco wins Conley suit. Federal judge directs a verdict in favor of RJR and
           Philip Morris. Judge Saundra Armstrong of the Northern District of California rules that plaintiffs (Elaine
           Conley, Weldon White and Dorothy White) had not produced sufficient evidence to support their claims
           and that a jury could not reasonably return a verdict against tobacco companies in the 1999 death of 81-year-old
           Frank White.

          2003: FRANCE: President Jacques Chirac declares “war on tobacco” and imposes steep tax increases on

          2003-01-01: LITIGATION: Janoff defeat overturned. Dade County, Florida, Circuit Court Judge Leslie B.
          Rothenberg grants Suzette Ahrendt Janoff lawyers' motion for a new trial in a Broin case that had been
          decided in Sept. 2002. Judge Rothenberg concluded that counsel for the tobacco defendants had misled
          the Court concerning Florida law on the use of authoritative texts, thereby introducing evidence to bolster the
          opinions rendered by their medical experts. The class action lawsuit of Susan Miles et al v Philip Morris Inc.
          was certified in Madison County Feb. 8, 2001

          2003-01-22: REGULATION: TX: Dallas City Council passes a sweeping smoking ban.

    X   2003-01-26: LITIGATION: PA: Philip Morris wins Carter case. State court jury in Philadelphia finds that
          Katie Carter knew about the health effects of cigarettes and chose to smoke anyway, and would not have
          quit smoking, even knowing all the risks

    X   2003-02-07: FL: Tobacco wins Allen/Broin airline secondhand-smoke suit.

    X   2003-02-07: CA: Philip Morris and RJR win Lucier suit. 

         2003-02-14: UK: Tobacco advertising comes to an end. The first stage of the Tobacco Advertising and
         Promotion Act 2002 officially begins at one minute past midnight; banning new tobacco sponsorship
         agreements, advertising on billboards and in the press and free distributions. The ban also covers direct mail,
         internet advertising and new promotions.

         2003-03-22: IL: Judge orders Philip Morris to pay $10.1 billion in damages for misleading smokers into
         believing that low-tar cigarettes are safer than regular brands. Susan Miles et al v Philip Morris Inc. 
                         The Court finds that the term 'Lights' not only conveyed a message of reduced harm
                         and safety, but also conveyed to Class members that the 'Lights' cigarette product
                         was lower in tar and nicotine. . . . Philip Morris' strategy was to create doubt about the
                         negative health implications of smoking without actually denying these allegations. . . .
                         The evidence at trial establishes that Philip Morris continued this disinformation campaign
                         through the mid-1990s. . . Philip Morris' motive was evil and the acts showed a reckless
                         disregard for the consumers' rights. — Illinois Circuit Court Judge Nicholas Byron.

    2003-03-25: BUSINESS: Ratings agencies downgrade MO, MSA bonds. Because of Philip Morris' $12
             Billion bond in the Price case, Moody's reduces the credit rating for Altria, the parent of Philip Morris. The
             next day, Standard & Poor's places all its ratings on all tobacco settlement revenue securitization and tobacco
             litigation settlement securitization transactions on CreditWatch with negative implications. These actions spark
             a sell-off in tobacco bonds. Over the next few days, MO stock falls to 52-week low. 

    2003-03-26: New York state passes near-total statewide smoking ban.

    X       2003-04-01: RJR, Lorillard file suit against California's "vilifying" ad campaign. Filing in federal court in
              Sacramento, the companies allege that the Prop 99-funded ads are a misuse of taxpayer money, poison
             the juror pool, violate the companies' constitutional rights of free speech and make it impossible
             "to get a fair trial in the state of California." The companies seek a halt to ads intended to "vilify" the industry.

    X       2003-05-21: LITIGATION: FL: Florida Appeals Court overturns Engle verdict, disbands class.

             2003-05-23: LITIGATION: AR: BOERNER v. B&W: A federal jury awards the family of Mary Jane
             Boerner $19 Million--$5 Million in compensatory and 14 Million in punitive damages.

    X     2003-07-02: LITIGATION: AR: US District Judge James Moody nullifies the $15 Million punitive
           damages award in the Boerner case. He upholds the $4.25 Million compensatory award.  

            Smoking bans spread around the world and ti many states.
            2003-07-01: Even SMOKEFREE: KY: Lexington, KY, bans smoking.

             2003-07-01: 6 US States raise cigarette taxes, including Delware and Georgia. 30 states have raised
             cigarette taxes since Jan. 1, 2002. By the end of July, cigarette tax increases will have gone into effect in
             eight states -- Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, New Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Vermont and
             Wyoming. On June 30, New Jersey raised its tax by 55 cents to $2.05 per pack, the highest in the nation.
            This will bring to 30, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, the number of states
            that have increased cigarette taxes since January 2002.

             2003-08-26: LITIGATION: FL: RJR Pays $196,000 to the estate of Floyd Kenyon.
            This is only the 2nd time an individual has collected payment from the tobacco industry
             for a tobacco-related illness.   

    X      2003-09-23: LITIGATION: CA: Appeals court slashes Henley award. California's
             First District Court of Appeals cuts the $25 million Henly award to $9 million, citing the
    CA Supreme Court's April ruling limiting the ratio of punitive to compensatory damages.  

             2003-10: RJR announces serious cutacks. The company says it will cut 2600 jobs, drop marketing for
             Winston and Doral, and concentrate marketing efforts on its Camel and Salem brands

             2003-10-27: RJR and BAT announce plans to merge B&W and RJR.

             2003-11-21: LITIGATION:
    Solana Beach, CA, ban on beach smoking goes into effect. The measure
             was finalized on Oct. 21. Other localities with beach smoking bans include Honolulu, HI, Carmel, NY,
             Sharon, MA, and Belmar, NJ. In 1992, Solana Beach was the first city in California to ban smoking in

          2003-12-10: LITIGATION: FL: Jury in Hall lawsuit decides for RJR and B&W.

          2003-12-10: IL: LITIGATION: Philip Morris files appeal of Price/Miles lawsuit with Illinois Supreme Court.

    NEW YORK: Department of State adopts nation's first fire-safe regulations.
              Secretary of State Randy A. Daniels today announced the adoption of a fire safety standard for cigarettes
              that will require all cigarettes sold in New York State to be low ignition strength, making them less likely to
              cause fires if left unattended. The cigarette fire safety standard becomes effective June 28, 2004.
    All cigarette brands offered for sale in New York State must be tested to determine if they self-extinguish
              at least 75 percent of the time.

    Smokefree zones, cities, states, provinces and countries keep growing.

             2004: CONSUMPTION: Global cigarette production declines 2.3% from 2003, to 5.5 trillion units, the
             lowest since 1972. China produces 1.79 trillion cigarettes, 32% of the global total. USA produced 499
             billion cigarettes, exporting 24% of them

             2004-01-26: LITIGATION: KENYON: RJR loses
    Supreme Court challenge. US Supreme court refuses
             to review Florida judgment. RJR had already paid the $195,000 judgment

             2004-06-09: LITIGATION:
    OREGON: WILLIAMS: Oregon Court of Appeal refuses to reduce the $79.5
             million punitive damages award.
    Philip Morris's conduct here was extraordinarily reprehensible, by any measure of which
                       we are aware.  It put a significant number of victims at profound risk for an extended period
                       of time. The State of Oregon treats such conduct as grounds for a severe criminal sanction,
                       but even that did not dissuade Philip Morris from pursuing its scheme. In summary, Philip
                       Morris, with others, engaged in a massive, continuous, near-half-century scheme to defraud
                       the plaintiff and many others, even when Philip Morris always had reason to suspect --
                      and for two or more decades absolutely knew -- that the scheme was damaging the health
                      of a very large group of Oregonians -- the smoking public -- and was killing a number of that
                      group. Under such extreme and outrageous circumstances, we conclude that the jury's $79.5 million
                      punitive damage award against Philip Morris comported with due process, as we understand
                      that standard to relate to punitive damage awards.

    X        2004-10-02  Following guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in State Farm v. Campbell, a
                      California appeals court has ruled that the original $3 billion punitive award against Philip Morris,
                      voted by a jury in 2001 in Richard Boeken's lawsuit, cannot properly exceed $50 million.

              2004-10-11: In an omnibus corporate tax bill, Republican US Congress passes $10 Billion buyout of
                      tobacco farmers, ending a 70-year federal quota and price support program. The monies will be
                      paid by the tobacco companies.

               2004:  70.3 million Americans were current users of a tobacco product in 2004. This is 29.2 percent of the
               population aged 12 or older. 59.9 million (24.9 percent) smoked cigarettes, 13.7 million (5.7 percent) smoked
               cigars, 7.2 million (3.0 percent) used smokeless tobacco, and 1.8 million (0.8 percent) smoked tobacco in pipes.

    The rate of tobacco use declined between 2002 and 2004, from 30.4 to 29.2 percent, primarily due
               to a decline in cigarette use from 26.0 to 24.9 percent. The rate of cigar use remained steady, but
               smokeless tobacco use   dropped from 3.3 to 3.0 percent.

           2004  Young adults aged 18 to 25 continued to have the highest rate of past month cigarette use
              (39.5 percent)
    . The rate did not change significantly between 2002 and 2004.  The number of persons who
               smoked cigarettes for the first time within the past 12 months was 2.1 million in 2004, not significantly
               different from the estimates in 2002

               2005-03-21: LITIGATION: CA: HENLEY:  Supreme Court Refuses to hear Henley apeal.
               Henley's $9 million award against Philip Morris stands.
    Philip Morris pays $10.5 million in compensatory
               and punitive damages and about $6.2 million in interest to Patricia Henley, the second payout for
               Philip Morris, and the largest. It is also the first punitive damages ever paid to an individual

    X         2005-04-21: LITIGATION: Riverside, CA: Jury clears Philip Morris USA in Coolidge lung cancer suit.
                Bruce Coolidge, 51, began his suit in 2001. The trial lasted 10 weeks. In 2 hours of deliberations, the jury
                found Coolidge had not proven his lung cancer was caused by smoking.  Interesting - what other cause was

    X         2005-04-21: LITIGATION: RJR wins Broin-related lawsuit. A jury found that exposure to secondhand
                smoke in airplane cabins did not cause the chronic sinusitis of Lorraine Swaty, a flight attendant for
                US Airways.

    SMOKEFREE: SWEDEN: Total bar & restaurant smoking ban scheduled to go into effect.

    SMOKEFREE: SCOTLAND approves full smoking ban.

               2005-07-01: CA: Statewide smoking ban in prisons goes into effect.

              2005 Cigarette Tax Hikes in many states.

              2005  2005-07-24: Sir Richard Doll dies at 92. The British epidemiologist's pioneering studies in the 50s
              of the link between smoking and lung cancer saved millions of lives.
    He finally concluded his study of
              40,000 British doctors in 2004, finding that smokers lost an average of 10 years of life

              2005-08-07: ABC News anchor Peter Jennings dies of lung cancer, sparking a renewed interest
               in the disease and its link to smoking.

    2005-09-29: LITIGATION: Supreme Court of Canada rules tobacco companies may be sued for health
              care costs. The Court dismissed an appeal from a tobacco company and upheld the validity of British
              Columbia's Tobacco Damages And Health Care Costs Recovery Act.

             2005-09-30: CANADA: Fire-safe cigarette rules go into effect. "All cigarettes manufactured or imported
             for sale in Canada must now meet the new national standard intended for ignition propensity which will reduce
             the risk of fire."

              2005-11-08: SMOKEFREE: WA: Voters pass Initiative 901 by over 60%. The smoking ban's outdoor
              restrictions near entrances, window, etc. make it the toughest in the nation.

      X     005-12-15: LITIGATION: IL: State Supreme Court overturns Price verdict.  One of the judges
              voting to do this received more than a million dollars from Philip Morris.

              2005-09-06: CONSUMPTION: National Survey on Drug Use and Health finds:   
                     70.3 million Americans were current users of a tobacco product in 2004. This is 29.2 percent
                     of the population aged 12 or older.

                     59.9 million (24.9 percent) smoked cigarettes, 13.7 million (5.7 percent) smoked cigars,
                     7.2 million (3.0 percent) used smokeless tobacco, and 1.8 million (0.8 percent) smoked
                     tobacco in pipes.  

                     The rate of tobacco use declined between 2002 and 2004, from 30.4 to 29.2 percent,
                     primarily due to a decline in cigarette use from 26.0 to 24.9 percent. The rate of cigar use
                     remained steady, but smokeless tobacco use dropped from 3.3 to 3.0 percent. 

                     Young adults aged 18 to 25 continued to have the highest rate of past month cigarette use
                     (40 percent).
    The rate did not change significantly between 2002 and 2004. The rate of
                     cigarette use among youths aged 12 to 17 declined from 13.0 percent in 2002 to 11.9 percent in 2004.

                     A higher proportion of males than females aged 12 or older smoked cigarettes in 2004 (27.7 vs. 22.3 percent).
                     Among youths aged 12 to 17, however, girls (12.5 percent) were more likely than boys (11.3 percent) to smoke.

                     Based on 2003 and 2004 data combined, 18.0 percent of pregnant women aged 15 to 44 smoked cigarettes
                     in the past month compared with 30.0 percent of women in that age group who were not pregnant.

                     Among the 93.4 million persons who had ever smoked cigarettes daily in their lifetime, nearly half (46.2 percent)
                     had stopped smoking in 2004; that is, they did not smoke at all in the past 30 days. The remaining
                     53.8 percent were still current smokers.

                    2006-01-01: TAXES: National state average is now 92 cents per pack.

                    2006-02-02: LITIGATION: OR: WILLIAMS: Oregon Supreme Court reaffirms the $79.5 million
                    punitive damages jury verdict. OR Supreme Court upholds Court of Appeals approval of 79.5 M
                    punitive damages.

    X             2006-03-13: LITIGATION: Georgia: State Supreme Court rules MSA protects tobacco companies
                    from punitive damages. (Gualt v. B&W, http://www.gasupreme.us/op_summaries/opsumm060313.html)

    OK           2006-03-20: LITIGATION: BOEKEN: CA: US Supreme Court allows Boeken $50M punitive damages
                    verdict to stand against Philip Morris (compensatory damages: $5.5M). CA Supreme Court ruling cut  the
                    $100M verdict to $50M.

    2006-05-15: LITIGATION: WA: Jury finds for RJR in Kimball case.

                    2006-06-27: The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the
                   Surgeon General Blockbuster report details the harms of secondhand smoke. SG says, "The debate is over."

                2006-07: LITIGATION: FL: Florida Supreme Court vacates Engle award, decertifies class; allows
                    individual lawsuits to proceed.

                    2006-07-19: SMOKEFREE: Marriott announces all its hotel brands (Ritz-Carlton, Renaissance,
                    Courtyard, etc.) will go smokefree across the US and Canada Sept. 1. This means that 2300 hotels
                    and 400,000 rooms will be smokefree.

                    2006-08-17: LITIGATION: DOJ: Judge Kessler releases final order, finding that the tobacco defendants
                    (except Ligget) are racketeers, having lied for 50 years, and deceived the American public on health
                     issues and marketing to children.
    All that she can do under civil RICO, however, is enjoin them from lying
                     in the future, or using "light" type descriptors. She orders them to issue corrective statements, and expands the
                     Minnesota document disclosure requirements. If this injunctive relief is ever implemented, it will only be
                    after years of appeals.

                2006-10-31: LITIGATION: OR: WILLIAMS: US Supreme Court hears Williams appeal.

                   2007-01-01: TAXES: SD: Election-mandated cigarette tax rises $1 a pack, to $1.53.

                   2007-03-16: LITIGATION: DOJ: Kessler rules "light" ad restrictions apply worldwide.

    wpe12.jpg (23871 bytes)  

                                                     Supplemental Materals
          Reagan and Bush Sr.  Push Tobacco Exports

    The Reagan administration pressured Japan, Taiwan and South Korea to open their markets to U.S. cigarette companies. And the Bush administration, proving its allegiance to the tobacco interests, followed suit in the spring of 1989, when Bush's U.S. Trade Representative, Carla Hills, threatened Thailand with trade sanctions if it didn't open its markets to American cigarettes. Thailand has had a longstanding policy banning both domestic and foreign cigarette advertisements on television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Philip Morris argued that this ban constituted an unfair trade practice.

    But Bush met a rising tide of protest from both Asian and American anti-smoking activists. In the United States, Hills was pressured to hold hearings on the Thailand issue, and more than 20 anti-smoking activists testified against her bullying. In Thailand, anti-smoking activists made the tobacco import issue a hot political topic for Prime Minister Chatichai Choonhavan. "To export cigarettes and coerce foreign governments into liberalizing their cigarette market, while simultaneously restricting the promotion and use of cigarettes in home markets [the United States], is clearly a case of double standards," read one Thai anti-smoking leaflet.

    In a May 31, 1989 letter to Hills, 17 members of Congress warned Hills that to pursue trade sanctions against Thailand would perpetuate "an extraordinarily expensive and ultimately lethal health risk abroad." The members of Congress said it was "hypocritical" for the United States to consider a television advertising ban abroad an unfair trade practice while at the same time considering a ban on television ads in this country a "national health priority."

    By July 19, 1989, the American Public Health Association (APHA) had collected more than 140,000 signatures calling for a change in U.S. tobacco trade policy.

    The APHA pointed out that an estimated 2.5 million people die annually from smoking-related diseases and that last year alone the U.S. exported 100 billion cigarettes.

    Until recently, most Asian countries had either banned or heavily taxed foreign cigarettes. Since 1985, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea were forced to open their markets as a result of U.S. trade pressures. The results will be increased death and disease. Since 1985, Japanese cigarette sales have increased 2 percent, reversing a 20-year downward trend. And the average Taiwanese consumed 80 more cigarettes in 1987 than in 1986, all of them foreign.

                       ( http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/issues/1989/12/mokhiber.html )


              Epilogue: This page will be updated as new information becomes available.

                                     New Push for FDA Regulation of Tobacco

    A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation lin early 2007 to grant the
           FDA authority over the manufacturing, marketing and sale of tobacco products, including
           the power to restrict advertising, require stronger warning labels, and regulate the amount
           of nicotine and other ingredients.
    The agency would not be able to ban tobacco. The Supreme
          Court had ruled in March 2000 that the FDA did not have such authority. Legislation to regulate
          tobacco last won Senate approval in 2004, but
    GOP leaders never allowed a vote on it in the
          House.  Now, with Democrats in control of Congress for the first time since 1994, proponents
          say the legislation has a far better chance, although a Bush Jr. veto would have to be expected.
    HR-1108, sponsored by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Tom Davis (R-VA), and S 625, sponsored
           by Sens. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and John Cornyn (R-TX). ---

                        "This is the year when we can pass meaningful legislation," said Rep. Thomas M. Davis III,
                        the lead GOP sponsor in the House, whose father died of emphysema.

                        Predictably, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) has said he opposes the bill. Another potential
             roadblock is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose state is also home to many
             tobacco growers.

                                                           A Very Watered Down Bill 

                        Nothng in these bills require the companies to fully disclose all their documents relating
            to health risks or advertising. The bill also reserves to Congress the right to reduce nicotine
            levels to zero. This loophole precludes the FDA itself from making cigarettes non-addictive by
            virtue of mandating severe reductions in nicotine levels.
    Most importantly, the bill provides
            Congress with specific veto power over the FDA's actions.  Nothing in the bill would require
             tobacco companies to pay for the research, development and distribution of products to reduce
             nicotine dependecy.   They should pay for the trouble they have caused!
    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/16/AR2007021602017.html )

                Ex-Surgeon General Koop and ex-FDA Commissioner Kessler, both appointed by Republican
           Presidents have issued a joint set of recommednations:
                        1. The FDA should have the authority to regulate all areas of nicotine and that authority
                      should be made explicit in the new legislation.
                        2.   The FDA should continue to have the authority to phase out nicotine and remove ingreditents
                      that contribute to the initiation of smoking and dependence on cigarettes.  That authority should
                      be made explicit in the new legislation.
                        3. The FDA should have explicit authority to test nicotine levels by brand...
            (Source: http://www.aaphp.org/WebLinks/Koop-Kessler_Dec03Tobc.pdfAdded 10/10/2007

       Products To Help Smokers Quick

                  "...Pharmaceutical companies have had increasing successes in developing products to help addicted
           smokers reduce or eliminate their tobacco habits. Since the development of the nicotine gum in 1984,
           pharmaceutical companies have produced several variants of gums and patches, as well as a nicotine
           nasal spray and an anti-depressant medication, bupropion, which have proven successful, to varying
           degrees, in helping smokers overcome their nicotine addictions. In 1996, the same year as the FDA’s
           famous tobacco ruling, the FDA approved over-the-counter sale of one brand of nicotine gum (Nicorette)
           and two brands of nicotine patch (Nicotrol and Nicoderm). It also approved the sale by prescription of
           a nasal spray and vapor inhaler and Zyban, a brand of bupropion hydrochloride, marketed as a smoking
           cessation medication.

                   "These products are far less dangerous than the products they seek to replace. The most obvious
           advantage of the NDPs is that they eliminate the dangers posed by external contaminants in tobacco
            products. In the case of cigarettes these contaminants cause lung cancer and in the case of cigars and
           chewing tobacco they may cause lip or mouth cancer. Moreover, NDPs have been shown to pose a
           substantially lower risk of cardiovascular disease than do cigarettes.[7] ...

                  "Given the enormous health risks posed by cigarette addiction and the proven efficacy of NDPs,
           the current regulatory approaches towards tobacco products and NDPs are baffling. Tobacco
           manufacturers, even under the 1996 ruling, are able to label, market and advertise their products with
           great flexibility, while pharmaceutical companies that manufacture NDPs must follow the strict guidelines
           laid out for the labeling and marketing of drugs. Only two NDPs are available over-the-counter, while
           every tobacco product from snuff to cigarettes can be purchased without a prescription. Even the
           over-the-counter NDPs are only available in pharmacies and large supermarkets. Cigarettes, though
           no longer sold in vending machines, are still available at every corner grocer and newsstand....

                "Perhaps most striking, though, is the regulation of health claims made by NDPs as compared
           with their less safe competitors. Tobacco companies are permitted to claim that their products will reduce
           a smoker’s exposure to tar or nicotine based on a test that is widely known to be flawed. The FTC
           Cigarette Test Method was developed in the 1960s and is still used today to measure a smoker’s intake
           of tar and nicotine from cigarettes. The test employs a machine that “puffs” on a cigarette a specified
           number of times for a set number of seconds. Numerous studies have found that the levels of nicotine
           and tar measured by this test are seriously flawed, underestimating the intake of human smokers who
           take longer puffs and block ventilation holes that would otherwise allow toxins to escape.[16] Smokers,
           however, eager to reduce their health risks from smoking, have unquestionably taken these claims to heart,
           with low tar and reduced nicotine delivery cigarettes now accounting for approximately two thirds
           of the cigarette market.

               "Meanwhile, not only do such “light” brands provide “little or no health benefit,”[17] they may
          actually harm smokers. Health claims of light cigarettes encourage smokers looking to reduce or eliminate
          their cigarette intake to merely switch brands, rather than pursue medications or abstinence. They may
          even lead to an increase in cigarette use, if smokers feel that they can safely smoke such low-tar or
          reduced-delivery cigarettes without the concomitant risks of smoking. And it is now known that smokers
          of reduced-delivery cigarettes take deeper pulls in order to compensate for the reduced nicotine delivery,
          which has led to a sharp increase in adenocarcinomas of the lower lung among smokers.[18]"

               These are the insights of Adam J Szubin, "The FDA’s Regulation of Nicotine Dependence Products".
          Harvard Law School - 1/30/1998 - http://leda.law.harvard.edu/leda/data/346/Szubin.html
          LEDA Legal Electronic Document Archive. 


                "If you must smoke, take your butt outside."  ~Author Unknown

                "Nicotine patches are great.  Stick one over each eye and you can't find
                 your cigarettes."  ~Author Unknown

                "Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs."  ~Author Unknown

                "The cigarette does the smoking - you're just the sucker."  ~Author Unknown

               "1% of Americans now have more than 90% of Wealth.  Democracy needs a middle class
               and a working class that has hope."  (Unknown political scientist heard on TV while writing this.)

                "I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day.  I haven't
                  had time for tobacco since."  ~Arturo Toscanini

                 "One thousand Americans stop smoking every day - by dying."  ~Author Unknown

               "If someone puts a knife in your back 10 inches and then pulls it back, is that progress?"
                                                    Malcolm X to Mike Wallace.

              (See:  http://www.quotegarden.com/smoking.html _

                                                                       Cigarette Jokes

                                             From Australia:

                   In a School science class four worms were placed into four separate jars.

                   The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol.
                   The second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke.
                   The third worm was put into a jar of sperm.
                   The fourth worm was put into a jar of soil.

                   After one day, these were the results:
                   The first worm in alcohol --- dead.
                   The second worm in cigarette smoke --- dead.
                   The third worm in sperm --- dead.
                   The fourth worm in soil --- alive.

                    So the science teacher asked the class --- "What can you learn from this experiment."

                    Little Billy quickly raised his hand and said.
                                  "As long as you drink, smoke and have sex, you won't have worms."


                     Two voices, one male and one female, overheard on a plane:
                     "I think everyone's asleep, let's go"
                      "This one's empty ... no-one's looking... you go in first"
                      "It's a bit cramped - let me sit down"
                      "Have you got the condom? Quick - put it on"
                       Sniff sniff
                       "Ah perfume - you think of everything"
                        "This is great....." (long sigh)
                        Static on the loud speaker then a new voice.
                        "This is the captain speaking, to those two people in the rear toilet.
                         We know what you're doing and it is expressly forbidden by airline regulations..
                          Now put those cigarettes out and take the condom off the smoke detector!"


                     Mornin', Ole,
                     Ole and Sveda went to the same Lutheran Church. Sveda went every Sunday
                     and taught Sunday School. Ole went on Christmas and Easter, and maybe
                     a few times during the year.

                     One Sunday, Ole was sitting in the pew right behind Sveda and got to noticing
                     what a fine looking woman she was.

                     While they were taking up the collection, Ole leaned forward and said,
                     "Sveda, how about you and me go to dinner in New Ulm next Friday?"

                      "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," Sveda replied.

                      Ole was tickled as all get out. All week long he polished his old Ford truck.
                      On Friday he picked up Sveda and took her to the finest restaurant in New Ulm.

                      When they sat down, Ole looked at Sveda and asked, "Sveda, vould you a
                      cocktail before supper?"

                      "Oh, no, Ole," Sveda said, "Vat vould I tell my Sunday School class?"

                       Ole was a little taken back, but he didn't say much about it. After dinner,
                       he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering Sveda one.

                       "Oh, no, Ole," Sveda said, "Vat vould I tell my Sunday School class?"

                       Well, Ole was feeling kind of low, having had two offers rebuffed.
                       On the way home, was they passed the Hot Springs Motel, he figured,
                       heck, he'd struck out twice, so he had nothing to lose.

                       "Hey, Sveda, vould you like to stop at the motel with me?"
                       "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," she replied.

                        Ole couldn't believe his luck. He whipped his Ford into the parking lot,
                        jumped out of the truck, ran into the hotel office, checked in, ran back out,
                        and took Sveda right to the hotel room.

                       The next morning Ole got up first. He looked at Sveda lying on the bed,
                        her hair spread out all over the pillow. "Vat have I done, vat have I done?"
                        Ole thought. He shook Sveda awake. "Sveda, I've got to ask you von thing."

                       "Vot's dat?" she said, sleepily.

                        "Vat are you going to tell your Sunday School class?"

                         "The same ting I alvays tell dem. You don't have to drink
                         and smoke to have a good time."

  (Source: )



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