"Cheney is not even close
   to being the best that money can buy."
www.tigersoft.com   William Schmidt, Ph.D.
                          cheney-liar.GIF (44538 bytes)

              See: http://rawstory.com/news/2005/Cheneys_stock_options_rose_3281_last_1011.html

     3-4-2008   A Joke:   Bidding for A White House Fence Contract       

               One day George Bush looks at the political polls and realizes he may not be safe in the White
       House.  So, he asks the Secret Service if the fence around the White House is high enough and if it can be
       scaled.  The Secret Service recommends that the fence be electrified.  Remembering his good
       old days as Texas Governor and High Executioneer, George readily agrees.
              When Cheney heard about this, he called up the Secret Service and told them he would be in
       charge of finding the best contractor for the job.    He called three contractors: one from Tennessee,
       one from Florida and one from his old company Halliburton. 

             The Florida contractor carefully measures the wall's height and length.  Then, he says:
     "Well, I figure the job will run about $900,000: $400,000 for materials, $400,000 for my crew
     and a $100,000 profit for me."

          The Tennessee contractor does the same measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do
     this job for $700,000: $300,000 for materials, $300,000 for my crew and $100,000 profit for me."

          The Halliburton offical doesn't measure anything, but leans over to Cheney and whispers,

          Cheney tells  the the Halliburton man, "You got the job."

          The Secret Service official who sees this is incredulous.  "Why did you take the highest
      bidder?", he asks Cheney. 

          Cheney explains, "$1,500,000 for Halliburton, $1,000,000 for me, $500,000 for you and
      $700,000 to the guy from tennessee.

          (It was all on tape until the mysterious fire in the Vice President's office three months ago.)


 The Truth May Be Much Worse     wpe52.jpg (15478 bytes)
                                                                                                   Bribee Duke Cunningham and Briber, Mitchel J. Wade

                               On or about August 30, 2002, just a month after receiving a peculiar one
                    month $140,000 contract  "for providing computers, office furniture, and specialized
                    computer programming services to the Office of the Vice President."  from the Cheney's
                    Office, Mitchell John Wade paid $140,000 for a  yacht he then gave Republican Duke
                    Cunningham from San Diego, my district.  Cunnighman subsequently resigned from Congress, conessed to
                    and was convicted for evading taxes and conspiring to pocket $2,4 million in bribes including
                    a Rolls Royce, a yacht, a fancy house at half price from a military contractor and much more.
                    He was sentenced to 8 years and four months out of a possible ten months' sentence.   This
                    is the longest sentence meted out to a member of Congress.
                                   (Sources: http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=12612
                      http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/28/AR2005112801827.html )

                                                                    electr8.jpg (44630 bytes)     
                       Defense Contractor Wade over-paid Cunningham more than $705,000 for the latter's old house
                                        so that Cunningham could buy the gated mansion shown below.
wpe50.jpg (89755 bytes)
                                   (Source: dukecunningham.org/cunningham-home.php )


                         Is There No Defense against a Run-away Defense Budget?




"The lack of competition ends up costing the taxpayer in the long run," said Scott Amey, general counsel of the Project on Government Oversight, a nonpartisan watchdog group in Washington, D.C. "When you're working without competition, contractors can set whatever prices they want to get from the government."

Despite such warnings, the military continues to hand out noncompetitive contracts – often to companies with ties to congressmen or Pentagon officials – because it is easier to issue a contract without going through a time-consuming bidding process.

"From the point of view of the person issuing the contract, the easiest way to do things is to give the work to someone you know and you've already done business with," said Larry Makinson, who spearheaded the CPI team investigating the contracting practices. "But the contractors understand the game pretty well, and they have different motives for what they're doing than the military does."

Sole-source contracts – which are issued without standard competitive bidding – have long been a part of military contracting. George Washington essentially used sole-source contracts when he handpicked civilian teamsters to haul the Continental Army's provisions during the Revolutionary War.

U.S. law allows federal agencies to issue sole-source contracts if only one source is available for the work or if the work has "such an unusual or compelling urgency that the government would be seriously injured" if competitive procedures were used.

But in recent years, sole-source contracts have become increasingly common at the Pentagon.

Over the past eight years, only 40 percent of military contracts were awarded under the Pentagon's definition of "full and open competition," the CPI study found. That number dropped to 36 percent after excluding contracts that attracted only one bidder.

Roughly 44 percent of the contracts were issued without full and open competition, usually through sole-source contracts. Another 7 percent fell under other categories, mostly as small business set-asides. Eight percent gave no competition information.

Out of the top 10 military contractors, San Diego's Science Applications International Corp., or SAIC, was the only contractor to get the majority of its work – 74 percent – through competitive contracts. The other contractors, ranging from Lockheed Martin to the Carlyle Group, received between 60 and 98 percent of their work through no-bid contracts.
        (Source: http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20050821/news_1b21contract.html   )



              See - http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2006/05/21/weekinreview/20060521_MARSH_GRAPHIC.jpg

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